About Globelics Working Paper Series

Aims and scope for the Working Paper Series.

Globelics Working Papers publish high quality papers in the broad field of learning, innovation and competence building. The papers reflect the principal objective of Globelics: that development involves innovation and that successful innovation requires interaction and learning between a wide range of individuals, organizations and institutions.

We publish the best papers from Globelics conferences and papers from members of the Globelics community. However, the series is open for all researchers who wish to contribute to the development of the theoretical foundations for Globelics.

The papers can analyze:

  • geographical areas with emphasis on Africa and other regions (in the south).
  • industries or sectors
  • social, institutional or political issues.

The approach is systemic, focusing on the relationship between parts in different systems, the relationship between different systems and the development of systems.

Specialization has long dominated sciences. This is notable in aims and scope in academic journals. The importance of specialization in knowledge creations should not be underestimated. However, transgressing existing scientific boundaries through interdisciplinary research is important too. Therefore, we welcome papers using the systemic approach in an interdisciplinary way.

The series will contain papers taking a “the world as a total system” approach. Therefore, we welcome papers taking a broader view on development by including e.g. environmental aspects or relating the research on innovation to e.g. the UN sustainable development goals.

Open call: Globelics and the Anthropocene

The editorial board has an open call for papers that contribute to the research agenda: Globelics and the Anthropocene. You can contribute to this research agenda by submitting papers to the Globelics Conferences, or you can submit directly to Editor-in-chief Gert Villumsen [gv@business.aau.dk]. To learn more about the research agenda, please read the Editorial note and background paper.

For Authors

 There are two ways to become part of our Working Paper Series.

1)  Through the annual conference. All papers submitted to the conference will go through a double blind peer review process. Some papers may be chosen to be potential Working Papers. All papers that have been selected as potential Working Papers will be sent to the editorial board. The editorial board then chooses which papers will be published in the Working Paper Series.

2) By invitation. The editorial board can invite specific contributors or contributions to particular topics or issues that the board agree are in need of more research.

Papers published in Globelics Working Papers Series will not be removed neither temporary nor permanently. On request we will make a “cite as”-note or a reference to versions of the paper subsequently published in academic journals.

If you are chosen or asked to submit a paper, there are certain visual guidelines you should follow.

For more information, please download our working paper Style guide.


If you have any questions about Globelics, please send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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